In between Two Names
Kogu Me Lugu (Gather Our Story, also translates into Our Entire Story) was launched on 14 June 2013 as an appeal to young people of Estonia and the world to gather their family stories. The objective was set not only to document Estonia’s oral history, but also to make this heritage accessible on the internet. This is how the Kogu Me Lugu oral history portal was born, which focuses on Estonia’s 20th century history through personal experience.
To this end, we gather, research and share memories in video format of people (eyewitnesses and people close to them) who lived in Estonia during the Soviet or German occupation, fled from Estonia to escape those regimes, or ended up in Estonia as a result of the actions of those regimes. The portal can be accessed in Estonian, English and Russian.
The portal’s work is organised by the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory.
Thanks to your financial support, more stories can be told and therefore the story of the Estonian community will be richer. Your financial gift will also support the administration and development of the Kogu Me Lugu online platform.
You can support Kogu Me Lugu through both single donations or standing order donations to the account of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory (SA Eesti Mälu Instituut). For single donations please use the payment links below or make the donation to the bank account of the Institute. Account details are available below.
Your donation will be billed in euros. If You want to get a refund of Your donation or You have any other questions, please contact us info@kogumelugu.ee
The donation is made via Internet bank. The data collected in this process will be treated as customer data and will not be provided to a third party.